The age of a person is most often determined by the number of years a person has been alive. However, it could be said that a more accurate measurement of age is not merely the number of years a person has lived, rather the conditions of the body due to circumstances and treatment over the course of those years. The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) enables a body age assessment as a tool to determine how old your body truly is based on strength, flexibility, body composition, body mass index, blood pressure, cardiac function, eating habits, and blood chemistry.

Evaluating your body age helps determine health and longevity more so than the number of years of life. Two people can be the same chronological age but have two completely different body ages, therefore requiring different fitness and health regiments in order to maintain or improve ones health and therefore quality of living.

This examination evaluates the individual in each of the categories compared to gender and chronological age norms and provides dietary and fitness guidelines tailored to each person for how to decrease and improve their body age.

Determining one’s body age can help put an individuals health in perspective and give a concise reality of the condition of the body. This reality check can provide the motivation needed for many individuals to make the lifestyle changes necessary to move towards a healthier state of being and a lower body age.

So possibly next time you consider how old you are, instead ask yourself how old do you want to be. Take the body age assessment evaluation and work towards the age that will allow you to maintain a happy and healthy life. We have no control over our chronological age, but you can and should have a say in your body age!